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  • Writer's pictureSophie

Hello September!

August had some definite ups and downs, but more downs (just SO many work deadlines causing stress and exhaustion), so I’ve been looking forward to September for a while… and now it’s here. Before I get onto my September goals, a couple of August updates.

E’s book week outfit was… the witch from Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. (If anyone has young kids and haven’t read Julia Donaldson books, I highly recommend!). For book week in Australia, younger school kids dress up as a book character, and do a parade etc, and deciding on the outfit is not super easy (although lots of movies have been made into books so that makes it easier- ha!)

She dragged that broom around at school all day!

Anyway, she was happy with her outfit, and it was made from things we already had! So no money was spent. Hooray!

We had a nice Father’s Day! Al got handmade gifts and a card, and then headed off to work for a few hours. I took the kids to their grandparents and a couple of friends were there so they had a good play. We did a family Zoom with my siblings who love insterstate, and then after Al came home we headed over to my parents again for a Fathers Day bbq and it was so nice. They kids played so happily, we played music, we sat out the back on recliner chairs looking at the stars (they are pretty magnificent from my parents place because they live in a small town). It was just a perfect evening.

O with his dad and grandpa ❤️

Now… September is here!

September this year is shaping up to be pretty fun! It involves:

  • Visits from my older brother for a long weekend, and from Als parents for a week.

  • E’s school holidays (they have two weeks break from school in September)

  • One week of paid time off for me (which I’m taking in the middle of E’s school break)

  • One mini break for our family for two nights to a local beach resort

  • My birthday!

  • Just a normal month at work with no urgent, intense deadlines

Doing my September planning last week

So… my goals are going to fit the vibe of the month, and mostly be around fun, family, and relaxation:

  • Plan some fun outings for school holidays

This is especially true because I have a week off! O doesn’t have a break from daycare, but we will keep him home a few days for fun. I’d like to do one day with E and mum where we go and do fun girlie things (get our toenails painted and see a movie perhaps), one day just with mum (E can do something with grandpa perhaps), one day to myself, three days with Al and both kids at our mini- resort break, and one day will be me and the kids, where we might see our best friends for a big play date.

  • Read (at least) two books

I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately. I think I need a fun, juicy fantasy or romance (or both- paranormal romance haha) to get me back in the swing. I have a memoir and some non-fiction which are all great reads waiting for me, but I haven’t had the concentration to get into them yet.

  • Walk most days, including some new trails

My walking in August has not been consistent, and I’m always so happy when I walk every day. The weather is lovely in September and this is totally doable, so I’m looking forward to getting back in the routine.

  • Go on one date with Al

It has been many months since we had a date, maybe April was the last time? Now my parents live close by this is definitely easier to organise and I’m looking forward to one this month.

  • Finish my professional website

This is already live but it’s missing a lot of info. This month is a good one to get it looking good.

  • Blog at least twice per week

I managed to do this most weeks in August, so this should be easy for September. I’d love three times a week but two is a minimum.

  • Declutter our papers

Between the kids artwork, and our random life papers, we have piles of paper around the house that needs sorting and decluttering. This is a discrete, manageable goal for September I think. Looking forward to developing a system for future papers so it doesn’t get this out of control again!

What about you? Any September goals or activities to look forward to?

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Daria P
Daria P
6 days ago

September is going to be rough. Lots of adjusting, for me and the kids. School started, activities started, and the weekends are going to be "catch up on life" style days when we will do laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping. Not sure about fun things... Maybe something local such as playgrounds and local woods to hike.. happy almost birthday!!

6 days ago
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That adjustment period is always tough hey, especially when it’s super busy. Definitely important to schedule in fun where you can, in amongst all the work and chores!


Lisa Segner
Lisa Segner
Sep 06

I love E’s costume! And I love that book! This reminds me that I should take out our fall books now that it’s Sept! I tuck them away in November to give us a break from them and make them more special.

Your Sept plans sound great! You have a good plan for your week off. It’s so nice to get some 1:1 time with the kids and to include your mom in the fun!

Sept is going to be nuts for me with lots of travel. I have 3 trips and next week is so full of meetings. I am kind of dreading it but I know it will go fast.

6 days ago
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Great idea to have seasonal books! I should introduce that in our house


Sep 05

That costume is perfect. I really miss reading picture books to my kids and Julia R books were some of our absolute favourites.

I am so glad your parents are close and that has been working out splendidly and I'm also relieved you have some time without quite so much pressure. What in intense few months you had; it's time for a breather for everyone and it's great that you're going to get some much needed R&R.

Sep 05
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My fave Julia D book is Stickman but they are all good (interestingly The Gruffalo is my least favourite!). I’ve never been so I excited for some R&R, I’ve been vicariously through you and my other bloggers from North America with all your recent breaks and holidays. Now it’s my turn, hooray!


Sep 05

Your September sounds really nice! It's funny how we're all on such different schedules. Your daughter has a school holiday, while we're just finally settling into the new school year. Sounds like you have some fun things planned, and yes- you need a really fun fiction book to read!

Sep 05
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Yes in Dec/January and Easter the timing of breaks align between Australia and North America/Europe, but other times we really are in different phases of the year! This is only a short break though so by late September we’ll be as busy as ever before the end of the year.

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