Its early morning here and I'm drinking my second cup of coffee (yes, I may have a problem!), and can hear my kids playing in the other room (they are early risers - 5.30am is a sleep in for them!). Now, fortified with caffeine, I'm writing my first ever blog post. So what has inspired me to create this blog?

Current scene
For the past few years I've slowly started reading blogs, initially only those of creators I follow, including Laura Vanderkam and Sarah Hart-Unger. It was during the pandemic, when I was juggling parenting small kids and work during an isolating time, that I really started to discover a number of blogs and find solace and meaning from others' experience during that difficult time. I've since become a regular reader and commenter on a wide number of blogs, and for the past year or so had felt a strong desire to start my own. As a way to process my own experiences, as a creative outlet (I love to write), and as a way to build a community of supportive engaged commenters.
So what to expect from this blog? Well, I will aim to post most days, with a mix of content. My favourite types of blog post from other people, which mine will likely also include are:
real life updates - challenges and good things
posts focused on current things they are grateful for
musings on a particular parenting/life topic
currently eating/cooking/reading
strategies for juggling parenthood/career/life
So, although I don't exactly know how this blog will develop, I look forward to finding out, and hope you will join me on this journey! I have to create something that will both create value for others, and that becomes a source of joy for me too.
Yay! Congrats on starting. I hope you love the blogging experience as much as I have over the last few years. There is a such a wonderful community and I find it a true joy!