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Thank you for visiting! My name is Sophie and I am an academic researcher, a wife, and a mum of two gorgeous kids, living in sunny Queensland, Australia, and I write about navigating life, parenting, and career.

Home: Welcome

Family, frost and fun in Melbourne

Pretty little creek near my parents place Returned home yesterday from a great little mini-break to my hometown, Melbourne. 7 year old E...

A good day

Yesterday was a holiday for me but not Al or ghe kids so I had an opportunity to have a “shouldless” few hours and I made the most of...

June Updates

I was going to do a June goals list but we are almost mid way through June, so I kind of missed that boat haha! So instead I’ll do some...

What a week… month?

After four days of conferences this week (across two different locations), I’m finally home and feel like I can take a breath, and write...

Mini work retreat plans

Today I have planned a mini solo retreat to do some idea development and planning for some major research grant applications due in...

Vancouver, and home

So I arrived home from my Canada trip at 7am Friday and I was SO glad to be home. I’d had a final day in Vancouver (I had a 10 hour...

A few days in Nova Scotia

After Montreal, I spent 3 days in Nova Scotia (a night in Halifax and two visiting friends in a more rural area). And it was SO lovely!...

Bonjour from Montréal

I’ve been here since Wednesday and it’s been a whirlwind but going really well so far. My work meetings and the conference has been great...

What would Care look like?

My 2024 word of the year is Care. I chose that word after an intense and stressful (at times) 2023, where on reflection I didn’t always...

Canada trip in t-minus 4 days

Next Wednesday I head off for a solo work trip to Canada for 10 days! As an academic, this is to present at a conference, at another...

May Goals

Somehow it is already 5 days into May! It was a busy start to May with ALOT on at work and family (Al’s parents and sister) arriving to...

Early morning kid challenges

I woke this morning at 4.45 (naturally, no alarm) and was SO looking forward to 1-2 hours to myself before my kids woke up. As you can...

Cool Bloggers Walking Club - April Recap

During April, I joined in with the CBWC, initiated by Elisabeth. The idea is to walk at least 10 minutes every day. By setting the bar...

DITL - A Saturday

I’ve been enjoying quite a few other bloggers posting these Day In The Life posts (SHU, Elisabeth, Jenny among others) so I thought I’d...

Thankful for modern medicine

Almost inevitably O is now sick (and Al too, but mildly). Exact same symptoms as E (high fevers, cough), so it looks like it has a long...

Weekend Updates

It’s Saturday 3pm, I’m sitting with a cup of tea, the kids are having screen time, and it’s blog post time, hooray! E finally recovered...

Life Updates

E is still sick. She's had 9 days of fever, headache and cough. Thankfully she hasn't been acutely ill: she's been keeping up her fluids,...

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